
Origin Story

Although I can come across as being quite shy.
Say the word “cookie” and I’ll be your guy.
I’ll give you sweet kisses if you promise a snack.
But I eat them up quickly so you can’t take them back!

I’m the wild man on campus. I love to run and go a little crazy in all types of weather. I even miss the New Jersey snow. I’m bonded with my brother Shrek and it’s a good thing too because I don’t think anyone would have taken me in if I wasn’t so close to that huggable marshmallow. I used to never let anyone get close to me. I thought all humans were trouble and I didn’t trust them, so I would run and kick anytime anyone got close. This presented some…problems. It’s not easy to care for a donkey that you can’t touch or catch.

Over time I’ve slowly started to trust this one lady, mostly because she gives me lots of treats and kisses. Now I don’t even mind getting my hooves trimmed and they can even pick my feet every day without needing to tie me up. This human’s not so bad, but I’m not ready to trust everyone just yet. I’m always on my guard when new people or animals come around. I have to make sure they are one of the good ones before letting them into our circle. We have a great group here that always looks out for each other.

I love to race the other donkeys and show off how fast I am, but I also like my “me” time where I wander off and do my own thing. Everyone needs a little time away from their herd, pack, family, from time to time, am I right?

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Type: Miniature Mule
Adoption Date: May 24, 2018
Birthplace: New Jersey
Personality Type: Mastermind
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Treat: Apple Berry Cookie Cubes
Favorite Book: The Wonky Donkey
Favorite Song: Welcome to the Jungle – Guns N’ Roses
Favorite way to relax: Looking for acorns under the tree
Favorite Movie: Days of Thunder
Favorite Celebrity: Tom Cruise
Favorite Athlete: Secretariat
Dislikes: the vet, the dentist, large crowds


Speed: 94
Awareness: 86
Agility: 88
Strength: 77
Heart: 100

Weakness: Sand

Special move: Shake it off – when the time is right Peanut will do a little dance, shake off the dust and prance around to taunt his opponents – letting them know he’s untouchable

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