I’m as sweet as they come.
Gentle natured at heart.
I’m a real life marshmallow.
And also quite smart.
I love to have a few tricks up my sleeve.
My favorite is to hold my bowl up so that I shall receive.
A donkey named Shrek, who woulda thought? If we’re playing roles, I certainly fit the bill as Shrek. I’m peaceful, don’t care to hurt anyone and just want to enjoy my life whereas my sidekick Peanut is definitely more excitable and hyperactive – like Donkey in the movie. We’re a perfect pair that balance each other well.
As the elder statesmen of the group I’ve pretty much seen it all and I know how to spot a friend pretty quickly. At my old stomping grounds I found a volunteer that I could tell was a nice person right away. I snuggled up close and became friends knowing she’d give me special attention and get me out of the cold weather and chaos that came with hundreds of animals on a single farm in New Jersey. Sure enough, it didn’t take long until she brought Peanut and me home. She even brought a whole bunch of our other friends too. Cats, donkeys, mules, and pigs just hanging out having a grand ol’ time and being loved every day. Sometimes the neighbors even swing by with their animals to say hello. I couldn’t ask for a better retirement.